

The Best Free Email Marketing Templates for 2021

Email Marketing is one of the most impactful communication tools in the field of Digital Marketing. Email marketing has a lot of advantages when compared to other marketing tools which are used for communication. Though Email is mainly used for formal communication, In today’s time emails are being used to upsell your product/service and also for E-Commerce marketing.

In this article, I will tell you the Advantages of Email marketing, How to design the best converting E-mail templates, and also how to design the Email templates for free using necessary tools. I will also add the strategy for the best converting Email Campaigns.

What is Email Marketing? What Are The Advanages ?

In Simple words, E-mail marketing is the act of sending a commercial message to a group of people. Though you’re sending your E-mail to a group of people it is one-way communication between each other & this can be more impactful than paid advertising. You can get leads via paid Ads & the next step in turning the lead into the customer can be only done through E-mail marketing. Today, E-mail marketing is not that complex as most of the E-mail marketing tools will reduce the workflow and you can even schedule your E-mail & also target different audiences based on your product/service & that brings us to the advantages of Email marketing.

The Advantages Of Email Marketing

Instant Impact – One of the best advantages that I would like to make a not is the Instant Impact with E-mail Communication. As I said before it is a two-way communication & this will help you deliver the target message very quickly without any barriers and this can bring a instant impact on your target audience.

Easy To Share – With all the latest updates in the Email tools it is less complex when compared to the past email marketing techniques. You can schedule the E-mail to deliver it at the right time to your audience, You can target different audiences for different email segments & you can even design the email templates very easily.

Constant Engagement – This is one of the most important aspects not just in Email marketing but also in the overall marketing field. Only with constant engagement, you can turn your cold leads into warm leads & finally into hot leads where they will be ready to buy your product service. Constant engagement will help you in building better bonding with your leads and also build trust in your Audience. You can even upsell your product/service in the coming days. If you have a Lead today, They are your customers forever.

Deliver Target Message – It is very important to deliver the right message at the right time to your target audience & this can be made easy with the help of email marketing tools. Based on the stage of your lead you can deliver the right message to them with the help of email communication.

Easy to Measure – Email Marketing Tools help you measure the open rates & also the number of internal clicks you’re each email have got the campaigns. This can help you in making future decisions on how to move forward for better email marketing techniques & also alter your old email strategies.

Reach Already Engaged Audience – This can be your best advantage in the email segment. You can upsell your product/service by engaging with your already engaged audience. This feature can also be done in the paid media sections but email marketing is one of the best communication platforms when you’re planning to Re-target people who have already engaged with your service.

Upsell Your Product/Service – As we discussed in the above segment, Upselling your Product/Service can be done through the power of email. It is one of the most powerful methods to reach out to your already engaged audience. Since they already know you & you have built enough trust with them with your communication through email, Upselling your product to them will not be rocket science if you adapt to the email marketing segment.

I think by this I would have convinced you that email marketing is one of the most powerful ways to communicate with your target audience. With all the above-mentioned advantages and plus points another most important aspect in the email is your email template, The way you present & how well is your email structured to keep the eyeballs rolling till the end.

This can be done if you have well-structured Email templates. It is very important to keep your email templates very simple & not make them too complicated with too many unwanted designs. Now, That brings us to the design & strategy to build a good convert email template.

How To Desing The Best Converting Email template?

Alway’s start with your brand presentation in the beginning. What I mean by the brand presentation is to start your Email template with your Logo. If you have a personal brand you can start by adding your photo to the top of the Email template. This will make an impact & also build trust in the readers because they are seeing your brand in the beginning and you are building uniformity in your Email Template. Always have a logo for your business & helps in every way possible to build trust.

The Second Segment starts with a very Eye-catchy Headline. Headlines are the most important part not only in Email templates but also in the overall copywriting field. Tell What Your Offering in this particular Email in very straightforward communication. Keep it simple & communicate as if you are communicating with them face to face. Let me tell you the email subject line is different and Headline is different.

In the Third Segment start with a brief introduction to your product. If the lead has just got onboarded you can greet them with a Thank you Email. A brief write-up on how your product is problem-solving to your lead can be the best briefing you can write in the description section.

The third segment can be filled will creative content such as Picture’s/Group pictures or even Videos. Yes, you can add videos to your E-mail with the help of Email tools. If your focus is on selling your product via Email, A video regarding the product explanation can be great Email content. This will help the viewer in watching the product live in the video & also the trust builds.

Once you’re done with adding the Creatives to the Email template you are almost done with the design. The next step is all about adding the right call to action button after the content. Call to action can be “Buy Now” “Learn More” “Sign Up” or anything based on your Product/Service. Have the right call to action button based on the template so that you do not miss guide the user.

The Best Free Email Marketing Templates in 2021

Email marketing is all about having the right template in your emails. Email templates can be different based on the necessity of your Product/Service. Templates play a very important role in the conversions for your Email. Templates include the Creatives of your product, Video (If you have) & the overall structure of the E-mail.

What Are The Types Of Email Template?

Lead Generation Email Template

E-Commerce Email Template

Product Promotion Email Template

Awareness ( Make An Announcement ) Email Template

Tell a Story Email Template

FollowUp Email Template

Make sure you take the correct template from the above listing carefully based on your Email goal. You can not have a lead gen template for a Brand awareness email template. Going forward in the article let us have a brief about the Optin form which you will include on your Landing page.

Once people fill the form on your Landing page, Then you will be able to collect the details of the potential customer. Only then the Email Marketing starts.

What is Optin Form in a Landing Page?

An opt-in form is a small box that will be included in the landing page where people fill in their personal details like Email, First Name, Phone Number, etc. It is very important to have an opt-in form on your Landing Page if you generating leads. That brings us to where should you have the option form on your Landing page.

You can add the opt-in form in the middle of your Landing page. Typically at the beginning of your Landing page, you start with what you offering in the beginning. And on the second stage, you give a little brief about your product. (If you are running lead ads for a Webinar you can let them know about the benefits of the Webinar as a little brief.

On the third stage, Now that you have mentioned your Product you can have Testimonials of the product where the consumers have given positive feedback of the Product/Service. Take this as an important block & have the best testimonials with the best video quality you can have. It is also important to make sure that Landing page speed will not be disturbed by the Videos. Keep the quality score in check all day to have the best User Experience.

You can add a Catchy text which is related to the Product buying perspective after the testimonial Videos. This is just to increase the buyer’s curiosity from the buyer’s perspective. You can add some sentences like “Curious to Know More About The Product?” “The Best Decision Was To Buy The Product Yesterday & The Next Big Time is Now!”. Building curiosity and trust is the next big key after the Testimonial.

Now comes the option form for your Landing Page. Design a Simple Optin form using the necessary tools which are using. Make it simple. Don’t give too many colors for option form alone. Follow the same theme color which has been followed for the Landing page. Mandatory Data Collection on the Landing page should be according to the industry standards are “First Name” “E-mail” & “Phone Number”. Reminder again “Kepp it simple!

The more data you have the better you can Nurture the Leads but, This step only comes when your potential customer has onboarded into your E-mail list. Do not collect too much data from the customer at the beginning itself, It will reduce the patience while the customer fills the form. Once they have landed on your E-mail list you can pull up them with some good Survey Templates to get to know them better in the E-mail marketing segments.

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