

The Importance Of Facebook Pixel in Ad Campaign|Setup Process

Facebook Marketing is one of the most used Ad serving platforms in 2022. Facebook Pixel is the reason for Facebook ads performing so well for all the Advertisers out there. In this article, Let’s understand the power of Facebook pixel & why should you have a pixel on your website. The workflow of generating your own Facebook Pixel. Adding the Facebook pixel code to your website and many more.

How Does Facebook Pixel Work?

Before getting an in-depth of understanding the pixel, Let us understand why is Facebook pixel necessary in ad campaigns? When it comes to Digital media Advertising in today’s times, Re-Targeting people is one of the most powerful tools ever invented in this Ad serving era. It is not just for one time you are running ads, Once you start getting a good amount of Awareness and conversions on your campaigns you will definitely consider running campaigns constantly for better Revenue.

When your running Facebook ads it is very important to make sure you start re-targeting people who have visited your website. There are many chances that people have just landed on your website and left by not performing any action and there are people who have added your product to carts and left the page for no reason. According to a study on Ad campaigns, most of the conversions are done with the help of Re-targeting people.

With retargeting your website visitors it is also very important to build your own audience for your website. Having your own audience will give you the power of upselling your product/service to them at any time. You can have a separate audience for each of your products or websites also. The custom audiences are the people who have interacted with your product/service and the Lookalike audience are people who may have an interest in your product. Once you build your own audience they will be in your database forever.

All the above-mentioned points on re-targeting and building your audience is possible only with FB pixel and now you know the power of Facebook pixel and why should you add the Facebook pixel to your Product/service. Now let us understand the technicality of the Pixel.

FB Pixel is a piece of code that can be deployed on all the pages of your website. It will also help as an analytical tool to measure and give a report on the number of visitors to your website and their interaction rate on your website. Recently Facebook added that they are removing the Analytics feature for the Facebook pixel. Instead of having separate codes for conversion & analytics, The pixel code serves all the purposes. Even if you don’t run any of the Ad campaigns on Facebook I highly recommend you open an account and try to get an understanding of it.

The pixel will help you in building your own audience and in re-targeting them through your Ad campaign. The campaigns which run in the Re-targeting segment have more potential in conversion rate when compared to the normal audience category. The other part of the audience segment that is the Lookalike audience will perform better if your Fb pixel has been served more than 1000 times. You need to give some days time for for the facebook codes to understand and generate the audience category.

How to get the Facebook Pixel Code?

One of the most demanding questions in the Facebook Marketing platform. It is very easy to generate pixel code and all you need is a Facebook ads manager account. To generate the Facebook pixel

Go to the Facebook Ads Manager Dashboard and click on the all tools Button.

Click on events manager in the window

On the left side of the window, there will be a green color + button.

Click on the Web section in the box displayed.

Click on the Facebook pixel option & continue.

Name your Facebook pixel and provide your website link in the below-given space.

From there you will be taken to the next step on how to deploy the Facebook pixel on your website based on your website platform. You can even do partner integration if you have a WordPress website. You just need to place the code with the given instructions in the box. The pixel code will automatically place the code on all the pages on your website.

Once you have done all the following procedures you can find your pixel code number in the settings section of the Event manager dashboard.

how to get facebook pixel in 2021

How To Add Facebook Pixel Chrome Extension?

The google chrome pixel extension helps you identify the Facebook pixel on each website you land on the google search engine result page. To get the pixel extension on your google chrome go to the chrome web store on your Google chrome platform. In the market search for a Facebook pixel finder and add the extension and activate it. On the top right of your chrome platform, you can find the pixel finder, you can pin it to be on the top right corner of your google chrome browser. Whenever you land on a website and if it has a Facebook pixel deployed on its pages the chrome extension will turn from silver to blue color indicating that the pixel is present on the web pages.

In order to have a smooth running of your pixel codes, you need to have a well-structured Facebook Campaign. Most commonly Facebook pixels are leveraged on Conversion camping on Facebook in order to track the actions taken by the users. To learn more about Facebook ads CLICK HERE.

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