

Sound & it’s functions, acoustics & it’s Technicalities

Sound! it’s almost impossible to imagine a world without it. It’s probably the first thing you experience when you wake up in the morning—when you hear birds chirping or your alarm clock bleeping away. Sound fills our days with excitement and meaning, when people talk to us, when we listen to music, or when we hear interesting programs on the radio and TV. Sound may be the last thing you hear at night as well when you listen to your heartbeat and drift gradually into the soundless world of sleep.

What is sound?

Sound is the term to describe what is heard when sound waves pass through a medium to the ear. All sounds are made by Vibration of molecules through which the sound travels. Sound can propagate through a medium such as air, water and solids as longitudinal waves and also as transverse wave in solids.

How dose sound travell?

When you hear an alarm clock ringing, you’re listening to energy making a journey. It sets off from somewhere inside the clock, travels through the air, and arrives some time later in your ears. It’s a little bit like waves traveling over the sea: they start out from a place where the wind is blowing on the water (the original source of the energy, like the bell or buzzer inside your alarm clock), travel over the ocean surface (that’s the medium that allows the waves to travel), and eventually wash up on the beach (similar to sounds entering your ears).

 Decibels? DB

The decibel (abbreviated dB) is the unit used to measure the intensity of a sound.


Frequency is the speed of the vibration, and this determines the pitch of the sound.

  • LOW FREQUENCY– sound waves with a frequency below the lower limit of audibility is termed as LF
  • MID RANGE FREQUENCY– typically the frequency range between 300Hz and 5,000Hz. … Reproduction of the midrange frequencies should sound natural and uncolored with excellent detail
  • HIGH FREQUENCY– High frequency sound is sound of which the frequency lies between 8 and 20 kHz. High frequency sound with a frequency over 16 kHz can hardly be heard, but it is not completely inaudible.

Vibration in Sound

Vibration, periodic back-and-forth motion of the particles of an elastic body or medium, commonly resulting when almost any physical system is displaced from its equilibrium condition and allowed to respond to the forces that tend to restore equilibrium.

Vibrations fall into two categories: free and forced. Free vibrations occur when the system is disturbed momentarily and then allowed to move without restraint.

Forced vibrations occur if a system is continuously driven by an external agency.

The speed of sound

Now you know that sound carries energy in a pattern of waves, you can see that the speed of sound means the speed at which the waves move—the speed at which the energy travels between two places. Sound travels at different speeds in solids, liquids, and gases and even its speed in one material can change. When we say that a jet airplane “breaks through the sound barrier,” we mean that it accelerates so fast that it overtakes the incredibly high-intensity (that is, noisy) sound waves its engines are making, producing a horrible noise called a sonic boom in the process. That’s why you’ll see a fighter plane whizz overhead a second or two before you hear the vicious scream of its jet airplanes.

What is Acoustics in sound? Types of Acoustics ?

Room acoustics is the broad term that describes how sound waves interact with a room. Each room, and all the objects in it, will react differently to different frequencies of sound. Every speaker will sound different in different rooms.

Science of sound, including its production, transmission, and effects, including biological and psychological effects. Those qualities of a room that, together, determine its character with respect to auditory effects.”


  • Full Acoustics
  • Smart Acoustics
  • Quick Acoustics
  • Customized Acoustics


  • Reflection
  • Absorption
  • Diffusion

How dose a speaker work?

Speaker works by converting electrical energy into soundwaves.

In speakers, A current is sent through the coil which produces an electric field that interacts with the magnetic field of the permanent magnet attached to the speaker. Like the charges repel each other and different charges attract.

What is an Amplifier?

It is an Platform where the incoming electrical signals are amplified (Increased) and the sound frequency is divided in to the necessary parts of the speaker such as Tweeter, Mid ranger, Sub etc. Amplifier is an electronic amplifier which amplifies signals such as signals from radios receiver, or electric guitar pickup to a level that is high enough for driving loud speakers or headphones.

What is an A.V Receiver?

An Audio/Video receiver is a component used in home theaters. It’s purpose is to receive audio and video signals from a number of sources and process them to the driver to loud speaker & to displays such as television, monitor or video projector.


The standard for AV receivers is five channels of amplification. These are usually referred to as 5.1 receivers. This provides for a left, right, center, left surround and right surround speaker and a Sub-Woofer.

What is a Power amp?

A Power amp is a device which Amplifies ( which adds extra power to the signal) received from  radio receiver or electric guitar pickup to a level that is high enough for driving loudspeakers.

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